Amanda Teixeira
Amanda Teixeira

Amanda Teixeira; Passport, 2022; Publication, 2 vol.; 4.3 x 2.7 in., each

Amanda Teixeira; Passport (detail), 2022; Publication, 2 vol.; 4.3 x 2.7 in., each

Amanda Teixeira; Passport (detail), 2022; Publication, 2 vol.; 4.3 x 2.7 in., each
This piece is part of a series of attempts to make sense of a place, of a culture, of a system. How can something so small as a passport be so defining of someone’s life experience? Is the commodification of nature still a symptom of a colonialist process?
Using the format of a passport, I collected stickers from fruits and vegetables that I consumed in my first months in the US; I had recently gone through the process of having to apply for a visa. The stamp I got in my passport is the reason I can be here now. Eating and sleeping in a different land than the one where I was born and grew up in. Eating the fruits grown in a land much more like my own. We both – me and the fruits – traveled and crossed borders.
I designed pages with mountains and palm trees, reflecting the landscape I now see every day. I bound these pages together. On the cover, one sentence from Frantz Fanon is split in two: “the settler’s town is a well-fed town / its belly is always full of good things.”
Amanda Teixeira is a multidisciplinary artist living between Porto Alegre/Brazil and Los Angeles/USA. Amanda explores the permeable concept of home and belonging through video, installation, and publications.
Her work as an artist draws from her experiences of alienation and displacement. Through a long process of collecting, accumulating, and displacing everyday objects, the artist is able to question how systems and beliefs are constructed. Her artistic practice comes from noticing movements and transformations throughout culture and history.